Patrycja Filipowicz, PhD.
2004 - 2009 MA degree in archaeology (Adam Mickiewicz University). Thesis: Recepcja matriarchatu i koncepcja żeńskiego bóstwa w archeologii i społeczeństwie (Reception of the concept of matriarchy and female deity in archaeology and society), supervisor: Prof. Arkadiusz Marciniak
2019 PhD degree (Faculty of Archaeology, Adam Mickiewicz University). Subject: The transformative character of imagery of South- Central Anatolian communities in the period 6500-5500 BC, supervisor: Prof. Arkadiusz Marciniak
Selected research projects
2005-present Research on the Late Neolithic at UNESCO World Heritage site of Çatalhöyük, project directed by prof. Arkadiusz Marciniak, (between 2005-2017 in the framework of the Çatalhöyük Research Project, directed by prof. Ian Hodder, Stanford University)
15-22.01.2009 Research on contemporary Goddess Movement in Glastonbury (Somerset, UK) in the framework of the project Archaeology in Contemporary Europe
09.2009-.2010 Archaeology in Contemporary Europe: Proffessional Practices and Public Outreach, Archaeological Profession, coordinated by Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (INRAP) in Paris
09.2010-06.2011 Junior Residential Fellowship at Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations, Koç University in Istanbul (Turkey). Research Subject: Multi-scalar transformations across the Late Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic periods in the South- West Anatolia
10. 2011-2015 Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci. Transfer of Innovation
2015-2018 ALIGNED: Quality-centric Software and Data Engineering. Case study: Seshat: the Global History Databank (Horizon 2020, coordinated by Trinity College, Dublin)
02.- 10. 2018 NEARCH Project. Tasks C: Archaeology and the knowledge: teaching and sharing information) and D: Archaeology in changing economy: towards sustainability (coordinated by Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives in Paris)
2018-2019 HATCH. House at Çatalhöyük (with the financial support of NEARCH project)
03.2019-present DOVTA: Delivering Online Vocational Training in Archaeology (coordinated by University of Lincoln, UK).
12.2019-present CARE: Community Archaeological in Rural Environments (Erasmus + Project, coordinated by Archaeology Scotland ltd.)
Selected publications
Filipowicz, P. (2010). Sekrety Çatalhöyük. In Archeologia Żywa, 1 (47): pp. 26-32.
Marciniak, A., P. Filipowicz, and A. Mickel (2012). The excavations of the TPC Area in the 2012 season. Çatalhöyük 2012 Archive Report, pp.61-75.
Filipowicz, P. (2016). Semiotics in Action: Neolithic Imagery on the Move. In.I. Milevski and T. E. Levy (eds.). Framing Archaeology in the Near East: The Application of Social Theory to Fieldwork (New Directions in Anthropological Archaeology). Equinox, Sheffield.
FIlipowicz, P., Harabasz, K., Marciniak, A. (2018). Jak upadało miasto. Çatalhöyük w ostatnich stuleciach swego istnienia. In Archeologia Żywa, 4 (70): pp. 46-55.
Marciniak, A., Filipowicz, P. (2018). ALIGNED Use Cases – Data and Software Engineering Challenges. In K. Feeney, J. Davies, J. Welch, S. Hellmann, Ch. Dirschl, A. Koller, P. Francois, A. Marciniak (eds.). Engineering Agile Big-Data Systems. River Publishers Series in Software Engineering .
Marciniak, A., Filipowicz, P. Harabasz, K. (2019). The Late Neolithic at Çatalhöyük in TPC Area: An Overview. In S. Steadman and G. McMahon (eds.). The Archaeology of Anatolia: Recent Discoveries (2017-2018). Volume III. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp.4-14
Filipowicz, P. Mickel, A. Bennison- Chapman, L., (2020). Ethnography, Engagement, Evaluations, and Endings The Achievements and Limitations of Community Outreach at Çatalhöyük. Near Eastern Archaeology 83.3. pp.182-190.
Marciniak, A., Marciniak, J., Filipowicz, P., Harabasz, K., Hordecki, J. (2020). Engaging with the Çatalhöyük DatabaseHouse at Çatalhöyük (HATCH) and Other Applications. Near Eastern Archaeology 83.3.pp.176-181.
Selected conference papers
09. 2009 - Great Goddess from Çatalhöyük empowers modern women: archaeology and spirituality, paper presented in session „Down from the ivory tower: archaeology beyond university”, at the meeting of European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Riva del Garda
05. 2011 - Technologies in Transition: Recent Research in Anatolian Archaeology, co-organized symposium; The Late Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic transition in Central Anatolia. Imagery in the move, paper presented at Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations, Istanbul
09. 2011 - Archaeological profession in contemporary Poland, paper presented at session The archaeological profession, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Oslo
05. 2012 - Semiotics in action. Neolithic imagery in the move, paper presented at session Social Theory in the archaeology of the Near East, International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), Warsaw
05. 2013 - Central Anatolian Neolithic Imagery Transformations, paper presented at the Theoretical Archaeology Group Turkey (TAG Turkey), Izmir
11. 2013 - Images of the Lost World. The Peircean Perspective on Çatalhöyük Imagery in the Chalcolithic, paper presented at the 113th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Chicago
06. 2014 - The Lake District Groups as Descendents of Çatalhöyük East, paper presented at International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), Basel
09. 2017 – Big Data in Archaeology: Archaeological Seshat and beyond, co-authored (A. Marciniak, M. Krueger) paper presented at the Annual Meeting of European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Maastricht
10. 2017 - Public engagement at the World Heritage site of Çatalhöyük (Turkey), paper presented at International Nearch Project conference “Archaeology and Heritage Management at World Heritage Sites; Social and Economic Involvements, Berlin
03. 2018 - Procesy długiego trwania w neolicie anatolijskim, co-authored (A. Marciniak) paper presented at The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
10. 2018 – Network of relations of Konya Plan and Lake District in the Late Neolithic, paper presented at the seminar “Pathways to the Late Neolithic of Central and Western Anatolia”, at Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology (OREA) Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
12. 2018 - Neolityczne i post-neolityczne osady i cmentarzyska. Poznański projekt badawczy w Çatalhöyük, co-authored (A. Marciniak, K. Harabasz, J. Hordecki) paper presented at the meeting of Polish Academy of Learning (PAU), Poznań
09. 2019 - Semantic Web Applications and Public Outreach. Exploring the Çatalhöyük Database, co-authored (A. Marciniak, K. Harabasz, J. Hordecki) paper presented at 25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Brno.